Duration : 5 Days (09.00 – 16.00)
Description :
Microsoft Dynamics AX is the most versatile and extensive Tier 1 ERP product available for enterprises operating locally or globally
Many leading organizations all over the world are turning towards MS Dynamics AX Technical for updating their business processes. Therefore, the demand for certified Microsoft Dynamics AX Technical professionals is skyrocketing and paving the way for enormous job opportunities.
Objectives :
Microsoft Dynamics AX Technical Training deals with Instalation, Adminstering, Configuration and Development / Programming
Participants :
• Application Developer
• IT Technical Support
• Business Development
Prerequisites :
Basic Knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics AX Technical
Topics include:
•Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics AX Development
•Features of Microsoft Dynamics AX
•Elements of Microsoft Dynamics AX Development
•Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Server
•Application Object Tree
•Microsoft Dynamics AX Application Essentials
•Microsoft Dynamics AX Layered Architecture
•Models and Model management
•Tools for Customization
•Inquiry and Reports
Data Components
•Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics AX Data Dictionary
•MorphX and the Application Object Tree
•Features of the AOT
•Objects in the Data Dictionary
•Extended Data Types
•Base Enums
•Security (Roles,Duties,policies)
•Microsoft Dynamics AX Table Structure and Components
•Procedure: Creating a Table in Microsoft Dynamics AX
•Data Types .Primitive and Extended
User Interfaces
•Elements that Compose a Form
•Form Designs
•Forms and Their Data Sources
•Forms and Their Methods
•Menus Items in MorphX
•Microsoft Dynamics AX Non-graphical Objects
•SSRS Reports ( AX + SSRS integration Brief description)
•Working with Report Design
•Development environment
•Introduction to X++
•What is X++
•New programming featurs in AX 2012.
•Object Oriented Programming features
•How OOPS concept used in AX.
•Development Tools
•Best Practices
•Objects and Classes
•Introduction to objects
•Variables and classes
•X++ Control Statements
•Accessing the Database
•Searching for records
•Data manipulation
•Queries using X++ Language
•Development Environment and Tools
•Training Objectives
•Development Environment Application
•AOS Setup
•System Monitoring/ tracing
Thursday, May 16, 2019
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» Training Microsoft AX Development / Programming
Training Microsoft AX Development / Programming
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