Friday, April 27, 2018


MySQL Cluster


Class Type : Training
Duration : 5 Days (09.00 – 16.00)

Training Description :

Setelah mengambil kursus ini, Anda akan dapat melakukan evaluasi pemanfaatan MySQL Cluster dalam aplikasi Anda, dan merancang topologi cluster yang aman untuk  tujuan skalabilitas dan ketersediaan yang culup tinggi. Anda juga akan memiliki skill pengetahuan  untuk memantau dan mengoptimalkan kinerja kluster yang ada dan memecahkan masalah masalah yang muncul. Anda juga dapat mereplikasi antara kluster yang dipisahkan oleh fungsi atau letak geografis.

Prerequisites :
- Pengetahuan tentang perintah perintah dasar Linux/Unix
- Pengetahuan tentang konsep database
- Pengetahuan tentang Jaringan Komputer
- Telah menggunakan MySQL

Topic Includes  :

Introduction to MySQL Cluster 
MySQL Overview, Products,
Services Websites and Other Documentation Key Benefits and Use Cases
Node types

Installing MySQL Cluster
Hardware, Software, and Network Requirements Choosing and Installing Cluster Distributions Installing and Configuring Cluster Nodes  MySQL Cluster Auto-Installer
Starting a Cluster with a Basic Configuration Upgrading a Cluster

MySQL Cluster Architecture 
The NDB storage engine Clustered tables
SQL and NoSQL API nodes Data Nodes and Node Groups Partitions and Replicas Checkpoints and the Redo Log Redundancy and Resilience

Configuring MySQL Cluster
MySQL Cluster Configuration Files
Basic Configuration Options: NodeId and HostName Management Node Configuration
Data Node Configuration
Configuring Multi-Threaded Data Nodes Cluster Program Startup Options
Viewing Cluster Configuration Information

Designing a MySQL Cluster
Design Guidelines Sizing Memory Usage
In-Memory and Disk Data Storage Configuring Disk Data Storage
Designing Clusters for Scale and High Availability Cluster Configuration Examples

Maintaining a MySQL Cluster
Modifying Table Structure
Accessing the Cluster with Command-Line Tools Single-User Mode
Backing Up a Cluster
Restoring a Cluster from Backup

Securing MySQL Cluster 
Securing MySQL Cluster
Configuring Connection Security
Configuring Firewall Rules Data Security
MySQL Server Node Security

MySQL Cluster Manager
Installing MySQL Cluster Manager Agent and Clients
Sites, Clusters, Hosts, Processes, Packages, and Configuration Attributes Creating Managed Clusters
Importing a Configuration from an Unmanaged Cluster Viewing Information About Your Sites and Clusters Maintaining Your Sites and Clusters

Replicating Between MySQL Clusters 
Replication in MySQL Cluster Transaction Ordering and Epochs Configuring Replication
Starting, Stopping, and Resetting Replication Backups Using Replication Tables Replication Resilience
Replication Information Repositories
Multi-Master Replication and Conflict Resolution

Monitoring MySQL Cluster 
Introduction to Monitoring Monitoring with the ndb_mgm Client Using the Cluster Log
ndbinfo Database Status Variables
MySQL Enterprise Monitor

Troubleshooting MySQL Cluster Problems
Starting to Troubleshoot Heartbeats Configuration Problems Disk Activity Problems
Application Design Problems

Optimizing MySQL Cluster Performance
Performance Concepts
Identifying Queries for Optimization Optimizing with Indexes
Adaptive Query Localization Distribution Awareness
The Process of Optimizing and Benchmarking

MySQL Cluster Environments
MySQL Cluster and Virtualization
Node Deployment in Cloud Environments Connecting to a Cluster with SQL and NoSQL APIs
Comparing MySQL Cluster with Other High-Availability Solutions

#mysqlculstertraining #pelatihandatabase #mysql #clusterdatabase #trainingjakarta #bandung #bali


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